
How to Refashion a Blanket into a Warm and Cozy Coat with Hood: A Free PDF Pattern and Video Tutorial


Have you ever wondered what to do with an old or unused blanket that is lying around in your closet? Do you want to turn it into something useful and fashionable that you can wear in the cold season? If you answered yes to these questions, then this post is for you. In this post, I will show you how to refashion a blanket into a warm and cozy coat with hood, using a free PDF pattern and a video tutorial that I have created for you.

Why refashion a blanket into a coat?


Refashioning a blanket into a coat is a great way to upcycle and reuse something that you already have, and save money and resources. You can also create a unique and personalized coat that reflects your style and preference. And of course, you can enjoy the comfort and warmth of a blanket in a coat form.


What do you need to refashion a blanket into a coat?

To refashion a blanket into a coat, you will need the following materials and tools:

How to refashion a blanket into a coat?

To refashion a blanket into a coat, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Prepare the blanket. Wash and iron the blanket if needed. Lay the blanket flat on a large surface and cut off any fringes, edges, or labels that might interfere with the sewing.
  • Step 2: Prepare the pattern. Print and assemble the pattern according to the instructions. Cut out the pattern pieces and choose the size that fits you best. You can also adjust the pattern to your measurements, if needed. Check out my post on how to print and assemble my  free pdf patterns  and how to cut out my free pdf patterns.
  • Step 3: Cut the fabric. Place the pattern pieces on the blanket and pin them in place. Cut out the fabric pieces, leaving a 1.5 cm seam allowance around each piece. You will need to cut two front pieces, one back piece, two sleeve pieces, and one hood piece. If you are adding pockets, you will also need to cut two pocket pieces. If you are adding a lining, you will need to cut the same pieces from the lining fabric, except for the hood and the pockets.
  • Step 4: Sew the coat. Follow the video tutorial that I have made for you, where I will show you how to sew the coat step by step. You will learn how to sew the shoulder seams, the side seams, the sleeves, the hood, and the pockets. You will also learn how to sew single welt pockets, which are very handy and elegant. You will also learn how to add a lining, if you are using one. You will also get photos and diagrams to guide you through each step.
  • Step 5: Finish the coat. Trim the excess fabric and press the seams. Turn the coat right side out and try it on. Make any adjustments if needed. You can also add buttons, snaps, zippers, or belts to your coat, if you like. And voila, you have just refashioned a blanket into a warm and cozy coat with hood.

Here is a photo of the coat that I have made from a blanket: 

 Step by step video tutorial on how to sew this amazing coat.



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