Showing posts with label home decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home decor. Show all posts
How to make mirror frame  / Rama do lustra krok po kroku Diy


How to make mirror frame / Rama do lustra krok po kroku Diy

                           Jak oswoić technikę paper mache , nie mówię tutaj o pracach plastycznych dla dzieci,  choć możesz i nawet powinieneś uwolnić swoje wewnętrzne dziecko 👶 ,a o przerobieniu kawałka tektury i skrawków papierów w praktyczne działa sztuki  i dodatki do domu w jednym. Do zrobienia ramki   Potrzebujesz: 👉Rolkę...
 tie recycling / przeróbka krawata


tie recycling / przeróbka krawata

Organizing is the best friend of every hard 👊 working or studying man. It's the best idea for saving time , time which is precious 💰 and which we always have too little.  It's worth to give it a try and give few moments from our life to throw 👣 away things we don't need and organize  things we want to keep. The best time for such steps is now in spring 💐. So let's begin ❕  Remember...
how to make  holographic wall clock / jak zrobić zegar ścienny Diy


how to make holographic wall clock / jak zrobić zegar ścienny Diy

I saw holographic foils in some magazines and just fell in love with them , they look really very lovely.  I think they are perfect to bedroom, maybe not on bedside table but who knows what will be later at first i see them  on simple little clock.  That's why today's tutorial will be about holographic wall clock.  How to make it, almost from the beginning, from easy available...
Desk organizer / organizer na biurko


Desk organizer / organizer na biurko

Lately I decided to refurnish my workshop a little and make it more modern and functional.  This post it's an effect of searching of perfect desk organizer. Once again ( first time) I used tin cans I really couldn't find any better material ,more strong and in right shape. Ostatnio postanowiłam troszkę przemeblować swoją pracownie, unowocześnić ją i uczynić bardziej funkcjonalną. Dziesiejszy...