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Jak uszyc torebke nerke darmowy wykroj pdf


Jak uszyc torebke nerke darmowy wykroj pdf


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Jak uszyc torebke nerke darmowy wykroj pdf 

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Szablon do uszycia nerki

DIY Puff sleeve ruffle hem maxi dress sewing tutorial

DIY Puff sleeve ruffle hem maxi  dress sewing tutorial


DIY Puff sleeve ruffle hem maxi dress sewing tutorial


DIY Puff sleeve ruffle hem maxi dress sewing tutorial

Hello👋😀, in this DIY/ thrift flip video I sew Puff sleeve ruffle hem maxi dress. I show you step by step tutorial on how to upcycle big cotton bed sheet and refashion it into totally new feminin Puff sleeve ruffle hem maxi dress. It's multi style dress which mean you can wear it on 6 ways❗ or even more 😉 at the end of the movie I add little bonus and show you super easy tutorial on how to sew puffy sleevs. I hope this video is easy to follow and you have fun watching it ❗ Let's create something beautiful ❗

Puff Sleeve Dress Free pattern

Step by step tutorial how to sew a dress 

easy sewing dress 


DIY silk satin French knickers | step by step sewing tutorial

DIY silk satin French knickers | step by step sewing tutorial


DIY silk satin French knickers | step by step sewing tutorial


Hello👋😀, in this DIY/ thrift flip video I sew silk satin French knickers. I show you step by step sewing tutorial on how to create silk satin French knickers. In my ealier video I show how to design perfect pattern for them using your own body measurements. Today I show you how to use this pattern and sew best French knickers for your perfect figure . I hope this video is easy to follow and you will have fun watching it ❗

diy lingerie shorts sewing and pattern

DIY silk satin French knickers | step by step sewing tutorial


sewing silk shorts 

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Jak uszyć sweter | darmowy wykrój i tutorial

Jak uszyć sweter | darmowy wykrój i tutorial


Jak uszyć sweter | darmowy wykrój i tutorial


Jak uszyć sweter , kardigan , krok po kroku diy tutorial plus darmowy wykrój na dwa rozmiary .
Ten sweter sprawdzi się nie tylko na zimę czy tez jesień ale także na chłodniejsze dni w letnie sezony. 

Jak uszyc kardigan 

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